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Hi again!
I just waned to thank you all for your suggestions on my 1989 Audi90.
FOr some of you that asked, I guess I should have mentioned in the
letter,that there was supposidly a 2nd owner between 1994-96. This is
where it gets REALLY confusing!!
1.) I actually DID talk to the 2nd owner's son.
2.) On the title, there is NO sign of this guy (2nd owner) ever owning
this car!
3.) On the title, it says that that the 1st owner traded the car into a
dealer for a new Caddy. The 1st owner said that he signed a paper
stating that the car had over 100,000 miles on it. BUT, according to
the title, it says that the dealer to which he traded it to, says the
milage was only 51,000.
4.) The title says the car went directly from the first dealer, to the
dealer (2nd dealer) that sent it to me, with about a year's span of time
in between. And according to the 2nd owner's son, this IS the amount of
time the 2nd owner had the car!
5.) Also, on the title, the milage matches up with what it currently
says on the odometer now. How can that be???? Did someone fudge with
the title too???
So, my 2nd question to everyone, is, WHO DONE IT??? Do you all think it
was the 1st or 2nd dealer?
Let me end by saying I don't think it was the 2nd owner, because there
was nothing in it for him. I understand that he has 4-5 cars.
Thanks again, and I will update when the detective decides to call me!