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RE: Brakes A'Flame!

Sounds like mebbe the pads never got fully broken in, you may have been
experiencing "green" fade, pads gassing off the stuff they were
manufactured with.

Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
quattro Owners Club member P877

Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., West Newton, MA, USA

>From: 	SOP8920@Siena.edu[SMTP:SOP8920@Siena.edu]
>Subject: 	Brakes A'Flame!
>As I'm coming down the mountain, driving very spirited.. I noticed an
>incredible amount of Brake fade. The entire time I had been smelling hot
>brakes. This was amazing fade though.. pedal almost to the floor board... car
>hardly stopping. I pulled over and noticed (with the brakes off and the
>in neutral) a moderate amount of smoke pouring out of the front wheel wells.