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My 80 with I4 1800 engine does 82mph @ 3000rpm in 5th. A great motorway
car! As maximum torque is also at about 3000rpm, this makes for very
relaxing cruising.
For that reason I don't really need a larger engine, but acceleration isa
somewhat lacking.
Just my $0.02
1988 80 1.8S
PS Saw a nice 4K type-Coupe, licence plate said '86 vintage, yesterday.
These are really rare here! It was all original, down to the alloy wheels,
and a great looking dark green metallic colour. Beautiful interior. Have
these really been made until '86?
Tom W. Nas, graphic design tnas@dtpdirect.nl
DTP Direct bv Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
Apeldoorn, the Netherlands Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125
If the odds are a million to one against something occuring,
chances are 50-50 it will.