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Re: Bose sucks.

At 11:06 AM 10/29/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Dan Masi interjects the voice of reason here, when he writes:
>> On Oct 29,  3:01am, SaamG@aol.com wrote:
>> > Subject: Bose sucks.
>> > Bose sucks.  Their home line sucks.  Their car line is worst.
>> > It's just good marketing and totally crappy product.
>> This is getting just a tad extreme.  I'm the first to admit that


>Call me wierd, but it is my humble opinion that having a top end sound
system in
>an automobile, at least, in one moving at the rate Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart
>normally moves, is either a complete waste of money, or a serious threat to
>safety of all.  

Having ridden with Unka Bart and having seen how he drives (like me), I
believe what he says.  If someone sounded a car horn behind him at a
distance of 30 feet it would take about 25 seconds for the sound of the horn
(with significant Doppler shift) to reach him.  However, it's extremely
unlikely that the horn sound might be made because someone wanted to pass
him.  :-)

*  Robert L. Myers         rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>  *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57            304-574-2372           *
*  Fayetteville, WV 25840                          *
*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:    *
*  My 3 huskies enjoy riding in my '89 200TQ       *