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RE: 91 200qw for sale in Seattle

I rechecked and discovered there is a difference between the "Retail" "Going
Shopping" choice and the "trade-in" "What's My Car Worth" sections of the
kbb pages.

So,     $20065 Suggested retail (What a dealer would ask on the lot)
        $13750 Trade in value (what a dealer would offer you as a tradein)

Looks like Kelley tries to allow a $6k spead for dealers!!  Nice if you can
do it.

At 08:59 PM 10/29/96 UT, you wrote:
>what state r u looking under? I am just using the default options also. for 
>washington state it says $13,750 for a car with 24000 miles.. That's a *big* 
>difference. Only 12,500 in New Hampshire. I've checked 10 states and the most 
>I can find is 13750. 
>From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Alan Callery
>Sent: 	Tuesday, October 29, 1996 11:54 AM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: 91 200qw for sale in Seattle
>I just checked the www.kbb.com (online Kelly Blue book) and it give $20065
>as the most recent valuation of a 91 200 TQW,  I think the low miles has a
>lot to do also.
>At 10:00 PM 10/28/96 -0500, you wrote:
>> My year old NADA book says these book for $19K, does anyone have ideas as to
>> what is making quattros "appreciate"???
>>  >>
>>There is no better tonic for used car values than hot new car sales (within
>>the same make), and new Audis are moving out at a pretty good clip.  Late
>>model Audi resale is really firming up, as the car above shows.  Not much
>>will ever bring up the value of the 10 year old cars, but if you are
>>dithering on the purchase of something built within the last 5 years, my
>>guess is that values will be holding constant or slightly slightly for some
>>time to come.  And no, I'm not in the used car business.
>>For the sake of a cross check, it would be worth looking at the quoted value
>>in the very latest NADA book versus your year-old version.  (This statement
>>applies to U.S. and Canada)
>				Alan Callery
>				Intalco Aluminum Corp.
>				PO Box 937
>				Ferndale, WA 98248
>				360-384-7564  fax 360-384-6185
>				Alan_Callery@intalco.com

				Alan Callery
				Intalco Aluminum Corp.
				PO Box 937
				Ferndale, WA 98248
				360-384-7564  fax 360-384-6185