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Re: A4q outstanding in its field

In a message dated 96-10-29 17:20:38 EST, you write:

<< With all due respect to Gradon, Eric, et all...I want to clarify my two
 points and put this RX7TT/M3/any q thing to rest (at least from my
 perspective). First when making the comparison with my first impression of
 the M3 I stated that given the difference in tire sizes that I felt that the
 4kq handled as well (meaning that if I had the 17” meats under the 4kq it
 could be on par....if only they fit! :-(...). The comparison in staright
 speed was with the two 911’s and a 5ktqw which I have owned in the past-not
 with the 4kq. Overall the M3 was a disapointment to me...I expected it to
 “rock my world” and it didn’t...it was NOT 10 times the car my near classic
 4ksq is-though suprior in every way to lesser degrees...... With regards to
A4q vs. M3 comparisons...it is correct that a US Stock A4q is really only a
match for the 328i...but in reading the review
 on the abt A4 and hearing of BMW’s (M3) clock being cleaned by abt and
 AudiSport in the BTC, etc. I think we all realize the performance potential
 of that platform. When it comes to comparing with the RX7TT...everyone here
....  You are missing the point a little here tho...  Having driven too many
A4q's (including the 1.8t) and the 4kq as well as flogging an M3, some of
your post were not what me or others experienced (and we can chuck the RX7tt
thing right now EOD)....  I was very invovled in the whole A4 vs M3 thing for
a long while, and can share that a stretch in reality would be in the A4 vs a
328i in performance (tho maybe not function/amenities)....  What is happening
in the BTCC et.al arenas is really not a good comparo on the street, even
close for that matter....  There is not an A4q here that comes close to that
hp level, and to equalize the field 300+ in a sub 3000lb (race) car is what
you need to see the difference....  Maybe when the 1.8t comes here with
tweeks added, but 1.8L vs 3.2L is just tough, hp numbers aside....  The M3 is
superb as much from the get go as the RX7tt is, no doubt....  And tho it is
deceiving in it's impressiveness, put the thing on the track, and the deceit
becomes reality, and the reality is that the M3 just puts the 4kq, heck even
Craig Jones 4kTQ, to shame, not even close, maybe Keith Andersons wild q, but
didn't get that in full regalia, he claimed to be "reeling us in", but in
20min run groups on a stock M3, that isn't really impressive a statement....
 And it's not the 17in wheels that do it....  Those brakes on the 3 just blow
any awd street and most of the track advantage right out the window,
perfectly (as in 50/50 wt) balanced car to boot....  Case in point, there
were stretches of Waterford where I was counting the SECONDS (several) I was
at full throttle in the M3, in the RAIN, past the time a variety of chased
(tweeked and non)q's were seriously on the binders.....  Performance
platforms in racing rarely translate to the street (N*car, yea right)....
 200tq's ran donuts around the competition in the 80's in racing venues here,
but to date, the number of hi hp q's (of which I have a couple) is just not
evident to the same extent, in fact to get just over 1/2 the racing hp level
is more than a little challenge, BTDT.......   Add in the adjustable bias pot
for the differential f/r (not an option here) and all the racing goodies to
the A4q, the M3 is a bargain with a factory warrantee....   Driving an A4q I
am impressed, and the "potential" is there....  But, to date no one has put
it there here in the US....  Driving tt's or M3 is impressive, cuz it shows
how close the A4q could have gotten....  But it is short on brakes,
suspension, and engine to make it impressive.....  And tho I hope the 1.8t
helps, it really only addresses 1 component of the 3 the q needs to play in
the big leagues.....  Yes, the 4kq is a fun and good handling car.....  To
put it in the same sentence as the M3 in any comparo just got you the posts
you got, "it just ain't so".....  Is it 10times better, hmmmm to
subjective....  Is it subtle difference....  As a brick to a feather....  Is
it the 17's?  No, not at all.....  I get to drive a lot of hi performance
cars, hard, and have a serious investment in 13in brakes for my 5ktq that is
proof that the M3 "...rocked my world."  In a big way...  So did driving a
944TS, and a Stealth tt, as much as the RX7tt...  Makes me think you missed
something in the experience....  A few others here think so too....

The 30vV6 in the A4q...  Sure...  Holding my breath, no....  To make that
work big bux are involved, brakes, suspension, and motor....   Will it punish
the M3, not so sure, and when one writes the ck for those upgrades, the 3
looks as much of a steal as the 1.8Lt does now...
