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Re: [Fwd: Re: Fog Lamps]

>Does this mean that Canada regards its citizens as being smart enough to
>turn a light on and off for themselves while the good ole Yew Ess of Aye
>>Todd Candey wote ....
>>>My 89 90q has the rear fog light on the left side, with a switch for it
>>>in the dash next to the switch for the front fogs. That switch BTW, has
>>>been modified to let the fogs come on with parking lights or low beams or
>>>high beams......he he he
>>Odd, my Canadian 1988 90Q is wired that way....stock.

American and US intelligence aside (I won't touch that with the proverbial
ten foot pole), Bob, I thought you'd be impressed with an obvious attempt
by our government for superiority in automotive design even if was in the
dark, so to speak.

John Holt (1988 90Q)
Highland Grove, Ontario, Canada
K0L 2A0