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Re: Shorter Shifters...

At 08:04 PM 10/30/96 EST, you wrote:
>>I believe the wagon is shorter... Posted last year by someone. I probly have
>>the post somewhere.
>Hi Dave,
>	I'd be interested in knowing, but I can't believe that the wagon would
>be any different from the sedan!!!

Grumble...  I KNOW I stashed the PN that was posted - whoever it was bought
it from Linda fer like 40.00... But can't find it. All I could find was this
post from Todd Candey. Anyone else out there remember? Certain to be in the

>From: "Todd Candey" <tcandey@usr.com>
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net, fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com
>Subject: Re: 5KTQ short shift kit
>Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>     If the 5k shift rod is the same style as the 4k, then I can help.
>     What I did on my 85 4ksq was to take the rod that attaches to the 
>     shifter at one end and is knurled and fit on the linkage at the trans 
>     end, and lengthen it. What I did was cut the rod in half about at the 
>     middle and weld a piece of bar stock the same diameter in between the 
>     two halves. With the shift rod a little bit longer, the lever(knob) 
>     doesn't have to move as far to get the same end result. Didn't do 
>     anything for the side to side distance, but made fore and aft about 
>     30% shorter. It's been working fine for 3+ years now.
>     Todd.
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: 5KTQ short shift kit
>Author:  fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com at Internet
>Date:    3/25/96 03:17 PM
>Frank J. Bauer

>dassault systemes of America     email:fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com

>Subject: 5KTQ short shift kit

>does anyone know of a short shift kit for the 86-88 5KTQ's?

>i have a 50% short shift kit on my 86GLI and when i get into the TQW

>it feels like i'm cranking up a floor jack!



********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                       EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCSTQ 179K miles and counting... 1.8 bar boost - Whee!
                                              Maitland, Florida