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Re: Lastest "EUROPEAN CAR" has lame A8 article

Dave Head writes:
> [ Audi A8 ]
> It is a beautiful car, but still rather plain (beauty is in the technology).
> ...
> For the masses that want to be
> 'seen', they'll pass and buy a Lexus, Jaguar, Mercedes, or any number of
> 'standout' instant recognition cars.

Do you really think that a Lexus looks better than an A8?  Or that it
stands out more?

I dunno, to my eyes, the A8 radiates a certain subtle presence that is
difficult to describe.  It is gorgeous in an restrained, understated way.
I think this is one of the reasons why I like Audis.  

Moreover, the A8 has all the elements that gives that "Audi family"
look (which makes it look like an A6 and A4).  All the German marques
have strong family identities and this is what gives each marque their
unique character.

96 A4 quattro
84 5000S Turbo
80 4000
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