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Re: Fog Lamps

Ms../Mr. Heather & Jeff <hjr@buffnet.net> said:
> I'm talking fog lamps, WITH parking lights, AND Rear Fogs, AND rear
> tails.  And the type of conditions I'm talking about are blizzard.  Here
> in the Lake Effect Snow Belt (250+"/season) we get regular whiteouts. 
> Were talking 15 mph sometimes when you hope the tracks your squinting to
> follow don't go into the ditch 'cause you're going there too.  Until
> you've been in this situation and tested "fogs only" vs "fogs with lows"
> will you understand that "fogs only" = SEE; "fogs with lows" = BLIND.
> (my fellow lake effecters/mountaineers will attest to this I'm sure)

Yes, I have been there - and under those specific conditions, I agree 
with you.  I have been in unusual conditions in the Pacific Northwest 
in which a very tight pattern fog light is much more effective than 
headlights - in fact, headlights can scatter so badly that they 
prevent one from seeing.  Fortunately, this is a VERY rare effect in 
most areas - but not yours!

> So I'll stick by my fogs WITHOUT lows in these conditions, because its a
> lot safer.  And I highly doubt I'll get a ticket (how's he going to
> catch me; I'm in a quattro with Hakka's, and I can see where I'm going.
> Heh Heh  Heh.....:-)

No argeement there, by cracky!

> PS... I already made the point that the fogs are useless for any other
> purpose.  Since they don't even shine as far as the low beams, why the
> hell would anyone drive with them only?

Ask the clue-free nimrods cruising all over this area in Trans-Ams 
and BMWs.   Seems to be one of their favorite "cool looks"....  
perhaps you're not burdened with this problem in your area.  Good for 

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      

Saunders' Slant: "If it's worth doing, it's worth hiring someone
 who knows how to do it."