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> From: Glenn Kaufman <gkaufman@ftp.com>
> I was about to buy some new oil filters for my '86 Coupe GT from my Audi
> dealer who wanted to charge me about $10 per filter. Wowww! Two years ago,
> the dealer charged me about $3.50 each for a dozen.
Try Amsoil filters.
> I've used Fram before, but they don't have the anti-drain feature.
Not to mention they're made of one sheet of porous cardboard.
> The
> dealer also carried Mann and Mahle filters. Can anyone fill me in about
> these two filters? Are they any good? Do they have the anti-drain feature?
> Will they let sand through? Thx. glenn
Amsoil filters:
1) Cost less than the OEM, and I *think* they are lower than Mahle.
2) They have about 1" thick filtration material, about the best
3) They have both bypass and anti-drainbacl valves. EVERY filter in
the line has both.
4) IMO, they're the finest available.
You can find a dealer/source by calling 800/777-8491.
PS: SteadiRic has used the Amsoil filters. I would welcome his
comments to the list. Haven't heard him comment about this specific
part of maintenance.
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843
"Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the
sun...but I have never been able to see the numbers."
[From 5th/6th grade essays....]