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fog lamps
Frank J. Bauer
dassault systemes of America email:fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com
Subject: fog lamps
bernie sez:
> Sorry, gonna dispute you on this one. Ma & Pa Kettle are just too stoopid
> to turn their damn lights on when conditions merit, so it must be made a law
> to do so. I've lived in states with laws both ways, and by gum, I really
> feel safer in those that require lights with wipers. Looking back, mebbe we
> are saying the same thing, but I feel safer with the law, dunno...
M&PK are just too stoopid to adjust their headlights properly - so we have
laws limiting us to 55W beams and DOT lenses. does this make you feel safer?
M&PK are just too stoopid to buckle their own seatbelt. now we have laws
making no-seatbelt usage a primary offense. does this make you feel safer?
should i go on?
can you say mandatory helmet laws - for passenger vehicles? don't bet against
it! someday a kid will get busted for riding his big wheel in the driveway
without a helmet. all of our cars will have a variety of strobes, lights,
sirens and beepers so that everybody can see and hear everybody. except
S/N won't change a bit.
i think i'm capable of deciding whether or not i need visibility while i
wipe the glass!