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Re: qlist stickers

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>Could someone inform me on the qlist ID we are gonna use or are using...or
has this idea been >placed in the circle file?
>Chris Lemon

It seemed to me that there were too many irreconcilable issues.  This whole
thing came up over the idea of ID'ing other Q-listers on the road.  Whish
was fine, but anything visible enough to be apparent to another moving car
failed to meet half the respondents desire for stealth.  

There it died.

My latest idea (oh no) since the signal fleg for "Q" is just a plain yellow
flag, how about JUST a "Q" tail in the lower right corner of the rear window
, ie a yellow internal sticker about 1 by 4 inches, with pointed ends and
maybe a gently "S" curve...

But basically, in the reality, we never see each other on the road!  Except
Trisha seeing me in this high Audi density area (600 Audis and 6 listers
within 30 mile circle?) I have yet to see one of these "are you out there"
posts bearing fruit.  So when we do meet, it is planned and we don't need to
murk up our cars.

BUT, someone raised the idea of business cards. Hmmm, that's good!  You see
an interesting Audi in a parking lot, this gives you something to leave
under their wiper or in door handle to say "hey fellow Audinaut, are you on
line, do drop in"  It should be weatherproof, and have something neat to say
, and at least one of the internet addresses - like, say the web site I
first found that explained *what* the Qlist was.  Committees are inefficient
enough, though, without the added burden of Email delays and design posting
on web sites.  And then there's distribution...

Hey, I have a dumb vanity plate ("HUMAN"), an Ich Leiben Meinen Audi*
sticker (thanks to Ed Byrnes Porsche Audi) and I drive like a maniac.  Why
would anyone in their right mind want to meet me anyway?  


*the sticker has a heart where I wrote Leiben - is my German adequate? sorry