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Re: quattro-digest V3 #1329

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I had posted a note on installing the CD changer sometime ago.  I may still have
a copy if it's not in the archive.


From: drobbins@net2net.com (David Robbins) 
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 15:59:49 -0500 
Subject: Re: 97 a$ changer[D[D

As far as the CD Changer goes, I would try to call Clair Audi in Boston 
(info on the list's web page).  Make sure you refer to this list and the 
give you a discount.  Dan Masi (dan_masi@MENTORG.COM - sorry for always 
refering people to you, Dan) had a great write-up on how to install the 

- -DMR.

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