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Fwd: Trouble at "Home" (low Audi content)

Hmmm.... could this possibly affect VW/Audi/Porsche sales?
>FRANKFURT, Germany (Reuter) - A new book on links between  German 
>automaker Volkswagen AG and the Nazis, accusing ancestors of current 
>VW head Ferdinand Piech of using slave labor in factories, is causing 
>trouble even before it is published. 

Hum,  let me see, we have just been through many months of being told 
by the PC crowd that the majority of us don't care about a politicans 
character, ethics or personal behavior.   And what happened 10 years 
ago is not relavant to today.

So in this case, if this is true, it reflects the ethics and 
characteristics of VW seior top management fifty years ago.  So those 
are ethics and character which we as good people should not judge and 
besides, that's fifty years ago.  It just don't matter.

How's that for my attempt at PC logic!  

89 200tqw