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Re: Trouble at "Home" (low Audi content)

..>From: "Meron" <phwomp@cosmoslink.net>
..>Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 19:46:33 -0800
..>Oh it matters a lot, and will always WILL. It is very good that history is
..>delivered to us in an unsanitized way. The only way the events that happen
..>in Germany will not happen again is bringing it out all the way. I was told
..>that one of the reasons that the crematorium oven door is always open in
..>photos is to hide the fact that Porsche was the supplier of the ovens. 
..>Rest assured that 99.99999% of Germans during the Nazi regime were part of
..>Third Reich ideology, actively, passively directly, or indirectly. For an
..>industrial company like VW to try and claim any disassociation with the
..>Nazis is completely ludicrous.
..>Avi Meron
..>86 5K cstq
..>More than likely driving a car that was made by the sons and daughters of
..>Nazis (read Germans during the Third Reich years) 

this is a serious rathole.....

i do not drive cars made by nazi's.  i drive cars made by a multinational company
based in germany.  i don't care about the history of the country any more than i
do about the history of japan, israel/palestine or usa for that matter.

history is written by the winners.

every country has it's own sh*t to deal with.  lets get on with living together...

'93 s2
'90 ur-q