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Re: Radio Don't work

     This happened to me a few years back.  If you don't have the code to 
     reset the radio (check your owners manual, it should be written in 
     there somewhere), simply take it to your local Audi dealer and they 
     will reset it for you.  In my case they even did it for free (can you 
     believe that?).  Took about 30 seconds.  
     ...Gary - Houston, TX
     '88 90
     '94 90CS

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Subject: Radio Don't work
Author:  grubster@megsinet.net (Martin Gruby) at Internet
Date:    11/7/96 2:51 PM

yesterday when I woke up, got ready for school.  I got in my 1988 Audi 80 
quattro and turned the key.. Practically didn't make a noise.  That battery 
went bad.  I got a brand new interstate for 52 bucks.  It works fine now. 
Tested the battery and it was bad.
Now, I get in my car and turn on the radio.. nothing. It just says "SAF E" 
On the screen like what would happen if the radio is taken out of the car or 
something. What do I do, and why did this happen??  I think with a Mercedes 
you have to leave the radio on for like 12 hours to get it to reset or 
something.  Is that what I do here. If not, what do I do. It's boring to 
drive fast with no driving music!! 
Any help appreciated.  I have the normal AM/FM cassete player that comes 
with this car. '88 80 quattro.
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From: grubster@megsinet.net (Martin Gruby)
Subject: Radio Don't work
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 14:51:42 -0600
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