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RE: brake problem with '90 CQ

Sounds more like the pump is dying. The bomb accumulates pressure
generated by the pump, so you have some reserve pressure immediately
upon pressing the brake pedal.

A dying bomb will manifest itself in braking action by not supplying
reserve pressure immediately when you jump on the brakes, but pressure
will slowly (1-2 seconds) build up from the pump. The net effect is 1)
moron pulls out in front of you, 2) you jump on the brakes, 3) you watch
your heart exit you mouth because nothing much happens, 4) you press
with everything you've got, 5) the pump kicks in and you exercise the
ABS, 6) your heart resumes its normal place and pace, 7) you will be
applying some Saddle Soap to the bottom of the driver's seat.

The symptoms you describe sound like a bad pump, but you probably also
need a bomb. YMMV.

Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
quattro Owners Club member P877

Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., West Newton, MA, USA

>From: 	hayasht@vrg.toronto.edu[SMTP:hayasht@vrg.toronto.edu]
>Subject: 	brake problem with '90 CQ
>But recently I have another problem with my brakes.  The pedal 
>still feels firm BUT I need to apply A LOT of force to stop the car.  Is this
>a sign of a dying P.A.?  (When I start the car, the brake light stays on 
>for about 15 ~ 20 seconds but it never comes on when I'm driving.)