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> From: "Jeff Loh" <jeff.loh@fluordaniel.com>
> Is one flavor of synthetic the same as the next? Would an off brand 
> (ie not Mobil-1) be just as good? IMHO one from "Pep boys" should be 
> as good if it meets the API specs, right?

There are three real leaders with many years of experience.

Amsoil has been making synthetic since just after the Korean war; 
Mobil 1 has been around since the mid-70's; RedLine is acknowledged 
in the industry to use the highest-quality base stocks, and therefore 
has fine oil, and high price.  Marc Sayer on the Z-car list, a very 
sharp guy who specializes in working on Z-cars, avers that he finds 
the Mobil 1 "runs thinner" than the other two.  

There are many later entrants to the synthetic game.  My GUESS is 
that any will prove superior to petro-oil in respect to the 
characteristics I pontificated about recently.  however - if you go 
with one of the three mentioned in the paragraph above, I have no 
doubt you are running one of the best.  Mobil 1 is the least 
expensive from that group, and most widely available.  RedLine is 
most expensive, Amsoil in the middle.

When you buy the oil, buy it from the cheapest place possible!!  
Pep and Sam's Club are good sources.  Sam's carries Mobil 1...

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      

"Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the
sun...but I have never been able to see the numbers."
             [From 5th/6th grade essays....]