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USA q gathering
Frank J. Bauer
dassault systemes of America email:fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com
Subject: USA q gathering
here is my tuppence on the subject. it seems like the ideal event/location
for a gathering is the 75th pikes peak. my initial thoughts are:
- hopefully some sense will prevail among the organizers and VWAG/AOA
so audi will be represented properly given it's significant history there.
- there has already been discussion of ukqoc representation at the event
- lots of twisty rocky mountain roads nearby
- a coupla tracks that would suffice for the track event
- several qlisters live in the area
- it's already a 3 day weekend, so add a coupla V-days...
- no further from boston than indy is from la or st loo from portland
(he says while noting the eastern bias to the geographical centrists =8)
just some food for thought (or my wild ramblings - not sure which)...