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RE: Snow Tires, Rims, Prices

  Hi Osman and the Rest,
       I also had a hard time getting steel wheels for my car ((90)
  (90Q20v)) but finally had success with Euro-tire out of
  Fairfield, NJ.  Apparently, the steels do come from some sort of OEM in
  Europe (E-T gets 'em from a local distributor).  When
  all was said and done, my 4-108 14 inchers were $49+4.50 Shipped (or $214
  the set).
       Unfortunately, I decided I had to have the Michelin ALPINs too, so I
  ordered these from Tire Rack, again, a special
  order...but they priced out at $280 set of four shipped ($70 per 195/60
  14s).  Bottom line is a new set of steel and 4 ALPINS for
  $494...I'll have to mount and balance, but should be done at $522.  My
  local guy gave me a price of $480 for the ALPINS
  alone or $488 for the Hakas installed.
                      Hope this Helps,