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[Fwd: wholesale street tires]

Hi gang,
I'm forwarding this off of another list I'm on.
Maybe somebody can use the info.

I can't tell you anything about it, never heard of 'em or dealt with 
'em.... usu discl.

Todd Candey                         The Composite Garage
271A Greenboro Ct.                       81 4k 5+5    
Elk Grove Village, IL                        85 4ksq
60007               USA                          89 90q

This is not an ad- just a tip if you need new performance street tires.

A client of mine (Exotic Tires International) is getting out of the new
tire business and has warehouse full of new Dunlops (sp8000, d40 and d60s),
Falkens and Ohtsus. Rather than pay the restocking fee to the distributor,
he's selling them for his cost. This means you'll save about $25 on a $100
tire. Call 1-888-384-3030.

Rob Ebersol