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Frank J. Bauer
dassault systemes of America email:fjbauer@dsavm.e-mail.com
Subject: cupholders
after reading posts from all the self righteous folks who enjoy driving
with parched throats, i can only say:
so many audis, so few children as passengers...
it must be nice to have the car to yourself at all times AND never get thirsty.
of course some of the NO KIDS gang are obvious and will never have a clue =8)
listen, people, even my two year old knows how to use a cupholder when given
the opportunity. now let's see - what's safer, he puts his cup in the holder
and retrieves it on his own as he sees fit... or he drops it on the floor
when he gets bored and then i get to fish around for it while driving the
freeway? and for those who can't imagine (gasp!!!) open liquids in a moving
vehicle, chill out it's in a non-spill cup.
sipping java on the road is the least distracting non-driving activity i have
seen on these la freeways. for real exitement, try taking notes while using
a (non-hands-free) cell phone, applying mascara, reading a book or newspaper,
eating cereal (ala bowl and spoon) - yes i have seen all of these more than
ferchrissake tuning a radio is more dangerous than joe-on-the-go!
just my tuppence or so...