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RE: cost of maintaining S4/S6 vs '91 200/V8

Probably about equivalent to the 20v 200 (91) - the engines are
essentially the same except that the S models are distributorless and
have odd and sundry items in different locations in the engine bay.

More than a 100 for sure on most parts. Possibly not much less than a
V8. Of course, all things considered it would hopefully be a while
longer before you'd have to shell out the dollars on a newer car...
- peter
  peterhe@microsoft.com - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1001
  91 200qw
  94 acura legend gs
  issaquah, wa, usa

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	loren01@ix.netcom.com [SMTP:loren01@ix.netcom.com]
>Sent:	Monday, November 18, 1996 3:23 PM
>To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	cost of maintaining S4/S6 vs '91 200/V8
>Are the S4/S6's maintance costs similar to the V8/91 200's?  With the 
>current discussion around the costs of spark plugs for the 20v and the 
>V8 specific parts ($$) I was curious as to where the S4/S6 fits in. Is 
>it safe to assume parts costs more than the 100 models!?  Cheaper than 
>V8!?  TIA,
>89 200tqw