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Re: 5KQ Steering Rack Installation

> My '87 5KQ steering rack needs replacing and I've just received the
> rebuilt one from German Parts & Restoration (800 321-5432 $209 + $150
> core charge).  Although I do a lot of my own work, I'm tempted to give
> this installation job to a local alignment shop or general service
> station in lieu of a dealer who proposes $486 labor.  Is this a highly
> technical job requiring dealer expertise?  Thanks for your input.  Dale
> McCormack
I replaced the rack on the 88 5kTQ with minimal problems.  The big thing 
is to make DOUBLY sure you know which hose goes on which fitting on the 
rack!  Both banjo bolts are exactly the same size and Bad Things (R) happen
if you hook them up incorrectly [don't ask me how I know ]:  The other 
note is that the rack comes out through the right front wheel well and 
requires that the steering arm be disconnected from the strut.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)