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Mushy Brakes, Bleed me baby

Yes, of course using a pressure bleeder is the most efficient and quickest
way to bleed your brake system ABS or non-ABS. I  noticed in that the latest
Mac Tools and Snap On catalog that they have a portable pressure bleed
system that  uses a tank that looks like one of those household sprayer
containers that you pump up and use to spray weed killer etc. 
I would imagine that one of the consumer models with a stainless steel tank
could be used with a hose to connect to the top of the master
cylinder through a modified cap. You could then just fill the tank with
brake fluid , hand pump up the tank and bleed away...............This system
might work well at the track if you don't have an air tank available......

I don't think I can agree 100% with the idea that the "only" way to bleed
ABS brakes requires a pressure bleeder system . I normally let the engine 
idle to get some pressure assist when I use my old method
of putting a hose in a beer bottle full of clean fluid and then slowly
pump the pedal to flush out the old fluid.  Of course this method
is REALLY SLOW............and you need to make sure you don't loosen the 
bleeder valve too much or you will be sucking in air...........

The Bentley explains that you should start at the  RR wheel, then LR, RF, LF
and then it explains that you should go back to the RR wheel and bleed with
several forceful strokes.

A good point was raised concerning the master cylinder going bad after
a brake bleeding episode. This is very true on older vehicles that have not
had their fluid changed each year and the master cylinder bore has corroded
and developed craters in the bore. As you push the piston past these craters
 you can damage the cups and then the master cylinder goes south.

Scott M.