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Re: 100tw long-term
If you want to drive a Audi 500,000 KM it does not have to be
expensive,you must just maintain it , I have put 466,000 KM on my 5000CDTQ
Avent. And I am proud of it and still going strong and looooooooking
Regards Bill
Ontario, Canada.
> From: Tom Nas, DTP Direct bv <tnas@dtpdirect.nl>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: 100tw long-term
> Date: November 21, 1996 7:28 AM
> Hi all,
> Some time ago I mentioned a feature in a Dutch magazine about a 1987
> 100tw, run as a company car with a difference. The objective of the guy
> running this car was to take it up to 500K km (315K miles) because 'it
> too good to discard'. As the guy's company paid for everything, he had
> dealer serviced at astonishing cost.
> So, for all of you irritated by high running costs and incompetent
> I've translated this article and added the amounts paid. Reading this
> make you feel sorry for whoever's paying for all this and feel good
> your own bills.
> Anyone needing their spirits lifted just drop me a line and I'll mail it
to you.
> Also a nice indication of what can go wrong with these cars.
> Bye,
> Tom.
> PS I saw pictures of the new '97 Passat wagon recently. This is a
> utilitarian square-back wagon that still manages to look nice!
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Tom W. Nas, graphic design tnas@dtpdirect.nl
> DTP Direct bv Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
> Apeldoorn, the Netherlands Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125
> If the odds are a million to one against something occuring,
> chances are 50-50 it will.