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RE: '97 Passat Wagon and the A4
I believe the Gods accept a vehicle with quattro, just like they seem to
have accepted the old Quantum Syncro (a 4000 in a thin disguise).
- peter
>From: loren01@ix.netcom.com[SMTP:loren01@ix.netcom.com]
>Sent: Sunday, November 24, 1996 3:18 PM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: '97 Passat Wagon and the A4
>I was just reading a short blurb in Automobile magazine about the new
>Passat wagon being roomier and more comfortable than the A4 with the
>interior being up to WMB and Mercedes standards. Is this vechile the
>answer to those of us in the US who really want an A4 Avant, but can't
>hold our breath till '98/'99 or whenever? Since it has Syncro AWD and
>three choices of engines, would the Audi Gods strike back if we flirt
>with the idea of getting one of the Passats?
>89 200tqw