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Re: Oil deposits in coolant expansion tank
Chris Lemon wrote:
> Pablo Carselle wrote:
> >Checked all your suggestions..all looks and reads normal. Coolant was
> regular >Prestone (green) combined with "Red line" water wetter.. Perhaps
> the two did
> >not get along too well....
> Pablo,
> Relax...have a beer or something. I think you are in the clear! Awhile
> back, there was some discussion regarding this exact phenomena in a
> listmember' q (I believe it was Dave Head's): RL water wetter and
> anti-freeze mixed will produce what appears to be 'oil' in the coolant.
> Anyone back me on this?
> ==========================================
> Chris Lemon
> br00206@binghamton.edu
> http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1710/
> ========================================== Fellow Audinauts:
Igor Kessel
Chris Lemon
Dave Head
Jim Griffin
Jonathan L. Boyer
Thanks for all your suggestions. Present status is I believe some form
of interaction between Antifreeze and Water Water. This conclusion is
cheaper. I however pried a little to hard on a hose connecting to the
auxiliary coolant pump (turbo cooling pump) and sheared the input
plastic niple ( whole pump on order ) ( This months sacrifize to the
Audi gods...). I believe the material was britle due to heat.
I am aware that the oil lubrication passage through the head is very
close to the water jacket and that there is an "o" ring look alike in
the head gasket, that could be "cooked" by now (148,000 miles),
specially with oil starting pressure... this apparently would produce a
very similar effect ... sigh... I will observe and hope. Will keep you
posted. Thanks again