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Re: UnIntended Acceleration Anniversary (Kinda long)
At 08:06 PM 11/25/96 -0800, gregsj@mail.imm.com wrote:
>Fellow Audians; I wanted to post this last week (more towards the
>middle of the month) but Spokane got hit with an amazing ice storm. We
>lost power last Tuesday and just got it back this afternoon. Anyway...
>ten years ago this month (Nov) the king's of yellow journalism @60min
>ran their Unintended Acceleration piece. Since then, I've watched
>60min exactly once (my best friend's wife was on) and barring any
>other similar personal events, I will never watch it again. In light
>of the tenth anniversary, I offer a "reprint" of Mr. Peter Huber's
>excellent article that appeared in the The Wall Street Journal on
>Monday, December 18, 1989.
>>>massive snippage<<<<
>LONG LIVE AUDI! F**K 60min X 10! Thanks, I feel better now! Greg.
Interesting piece. I agree with your view of 60 Minutes--the pinnacle of
yellow journalism, or at least closely following "Hard Copy" and the like.
As for unintended acceleration, how does one avoid such pitfalls? 1) Learn
to drive, damnit. 2) Drive a 5-speed!!! (or 4-speed, or even a 6-speed....)
Achille Riviello
83 4000s, 200+k miles,
96 A4Q, 1054 miles,
HK P7M13
"In a world of compromise, some don't"--HK