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Bosch Oxygen Sensor Information Requested

For those who asked for Bosch O2 sensor information, here goes.  This is from the Bosch 
1996 Catalog # 221139, Sensors for Cars, Light Trucks and Vans.  Miles are the life 
expectancy of the unit.  If not listed then it is 100K-saves me typing. Universal is the 
model that you may substitute by transplanting the connectors from the old unit. 
Disclaimers apply.  If you have questions e/mail direct. The transfer from MS Word lost 
all the formatting.  No, there are not a lot of universal models.  (2) means ya gotta 
buy 2 of em.
Model	Engine   	P/N	Univ		Miles
96	2771 AFC	13552 L			100
	2771 AFC Quattro13550 R
96	2771 AFC	13396 (2)		100
	2771 AFC Quattro13996 (2)		
		13552 L Rear OBD2 O2 Sensor
		13550 R Rear OBD2 O2 Sensor
95	2771 AAH	13414 (2)
	2771 AFC	13396 (2)
	2771 AFC,AAH Quat13344 (2)
 95/94	2771		13344 (2)
	2226 to 1/87	11051		11027	30
87	2309 2/87 on	13957			60
84-81	2144		11051		11027	30
Coupe Quattro
91-90	2309 20V
	8BL006001 on	13957			60
90	2309 20V to
	8BL006000	13019			60
79	1588 Calif	11035		11027	30
Quattro Coupe
85-83	2144 8/82 on	11041		11025	30
83	2144 3/82 to 7/82 11051		11027	30
95	2226 AAN Quattro 13019			60
93-92	2226		 13019			60
95	2226 AAN Quattro 13019			60
V8 Quattro
94-92	4200		13175			60
91-90	3562		13994			60
92-91	2309		13957			61
90	1984		13006			60
89-88	1984		13019			60
80 Quattro
91-88	2309		13957			60
95-94	2771		13444 (2)		100
93	2771		13508			100
91-88	2309		13957			60
90 Quattro
95	2771		13344 (2)		100
95-93	2771 8C-P-190001 
	on		13344 (2)		100
93	2771 to 8C-P-
	190000 		13508			100
91-90	2309 20V	13019			60
89-88	2309		13019			60
100 & 100 Quattro
94	2771		13344 (2)		100
93-92	2771		13508			100
91-89	2309		13957			60
91-89	2226		13019			60
200 Quattro
91	2226 Calif	13019			60
	2226 20V	13019			60
90	2226		13957			60
89	2226 44K038262 on 13957			60
	2226 to 44K038261 13019			60
87-85	1787		13006			60
84	1781		11051		11027	30
83-81	1715		11051		11027	30
80	1588 Calif	11051		11027	30
	2144 Calif	11051		11027	30
4000 Quattro
87-85	2226		13019			60
84	2226		13006			60
83-81	2226		11051		11027	30
88-87	2309		13957			60
87	2226 to 9/86	11051		11027	30
86	2226		11051		11027	30
85	2226, 2144	11051		11027	30
84-81	2144		11051		11027	30
80-79	2144 Calif	11051		11027	30
5000 Quattro
88-87	2309		13957			60
5000 Turbo
87	2226		13019			60
85-82	2124		11041		11025	30
81-80	2144		11051		11027	30
5000 Turbo Quattro
88-86	2226		13019			60

Comments from the catalog: 
A worn out O2 sensor can cause-
	Engine surging
	Engine hesitation
Worn out sensor can lead to premature cat failure.

Ranking causes of Excess Emissions
Cause of excess emissions		HC	CO		NOx
								No EGR	EGR
New O2 Sensor needed			1	1		1	4*
New Cat needed				2	2*		2	1
Other sensor needed			3*	2*		N	N
New ECM Needed				4*	2*		N	2*
Tune up needed				3*	2*		2	N
Air Fuel Adjustment			3*	3*		4	N
Vacuum Leak Repair Needed		N	N		3	4*
New EGR Valve Needed			N	N		-	1
Other					3*	3*		N	3*

N=No effect
* Much lower impact than higher ranked components

Source “Causes of Excess Emissions from Fuel Injected Vehicles.” Radian Corp, 1988