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> From: "Mark Pollan" <Mark.Pollan@MCI.Com>
> Since there is so much banter about the difficulty of pressing in bushings,
> particularly subframe, and since I am about to do mine I was wondering...
> Has anybody used a simple bottle jack to press these in using the weight
> of the car to hold everything down?
That would work OK. I had one right there and didn't think of doing
it! I used the previously-posted method on the front bushings (did
them last week):
Use a 4" by 3/8 bolt and three 2" diameter washers.
(BTW - the bolt must have threads over most of its length. I took a
standard bolt with threads on the last 1.5 inches and used a die to
thread the rest of the bolt shaft. The threads are required to draw
the bushing tight.)
The following refers to FRONT bushings only, on a 1990 200:
I sprayed the whee out of the bushings with silicone, then butted them
up to the bottom of the sub-frame; inserted bolt upwards thru the
bushing, with nut and washers above the sub-frame. Tightened nut
until bushing was drawn up into the sub-frame. When the bolt would
tighten no farther (bottomed out against the body of the bushing) I
pried gently upwards on the bushing (using the sway bar as a rest)
and it popped in easily.
On reflection, it is quite possible that the bottle jack I was using
to support the sub-frame (18 inches away) would have done the same
thing with less fuss. Good thought!
Al Powell, Ph.D. Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843
"Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the
sun...but I have never been able to see the numbers."
[From 5th/6th grade essays....]