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Re: That fr. strut changing tool...

In a message dated 96-12-10 10:33:30 EST, you write:

<< Subj:	Re: That fr. strut changing tool...
 Date:	96-12-10 10:33:30 EST
 From:	0004474605@mcimail.com (Robert F. Dunne)
 To:	PDQSHIP@aol.com (PDQSHIP)
 Thanks...if anyone asks the new number is 888-892-8348 in Long Island, NY.
 P.S.  - Price is $36 >>
>>>>  REALLY, I paid almost 200 used....  Make sure you got the right one....
 It is audi tool 2069...  I believe 35USD was the price of 3078, which is the
special socket for removal of the upper strut nut (and not necessary btw)

