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Re: S4 Still for sale at dealer


Any important difference between a Canadian-specd S6 and one in the US?  
Could this car be legally brought into the US or is there too much hassle?

Given the exchange rate, if the $31,990 was in CDN dollars, it 
has got to represent a really outstanding opportunity.

The reason I wonder if the car was being quoted in $$$ CDN or US was that 
one of my identities is dabbling in the boat business (HI Les!!) and we 
often see boats in Canada quoited in US dollars.

Bill Murin

 On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, 
Colin Barfoot wrote:

> On Nov 25 I sent:
> Was $33,990, now $31,990 in Saturays Saint John Telrgraph Journal, New 
> Bruswick Canada
> Dieppe Auto
> 1-800-808-0447 or 506-857-0444
> >From photo in paper has 6spoke wheels.
> the car was listed again this weekend in the classifieds. Now just says 
> "Loaded- Showroom Condition"
> Dieppe Motors is in Moncton , and is the only dealer left in the province.  At 
> yesterdays exchange rate $0.735 US = 1 $ Cdn this is only $23,512, based on 
> other prices recently on the list a real deal....
> Usual disclaimers...
> Colin