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A/C Drain Blockage
> From: "CHRIS AHOLA" <aholact@songs.sce.com>
> I do have a clogged A/C drain. My mechanic estimates it would be
> $300 to fix it. He said the drain in the evaporator housing is
> clogged and the housings needs to be remove it to fix it. Anyone
> have any ideas how I could fix it myself?
How about shooting a little compressed air back up the drain hose
from underneath the car????? Oughta knock the goop loose...
Al Powell, Ph.D. Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843
"Some people can tell what time it is by looking at the
sun...but I have never been able to see the numbers."
[From 5th/6th grade essays....]