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Re: Pikes Peak or Bust 1997/ USA Audi-Fest '97

Sorry for not cutting this....having problems this am......Mt. Washington
is looking to have an Audi display (street cars) at this years Climb to
the Clouds......we need to get something going....

On Fri, 13 Dec 1996, Phil Payne wrote:

> In message <199612131446.JAA07038@dingo.webo.dg.com> cpalmer@dingo.webo.dg.com (Chris Palmer) writes:
> >  Just wanted to remind you of what someone else on the list posted
> >  a while back.
> >  Apparently the Pikes Peak organisers for this big commemerative
> >  year have banned any cars less thna 20 years old. This effectively
> >  rules out the Audis (no durn furriners!). So there may be no Audi
> >  competition presence for you to watch!!
> Yes, I saw that.  But they also asked to be put in touch with Michele
> and Walter, which we have done.
> Besides - if there are no Audis _running_ - we stand to get lots of
> media attention if anyone asks WHY NOT?
> --
>  Phil Payne
>  (phil@sievers.com, despite what the bounces say.  If I don't
>   reply, your message is probably still stuck on a Demon punt.)
>  Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660