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Re: Brake Accumulator and Steering Rack

Earlier, Dave Head wrote:
> >I have the same problem in my '89 100E. I got quoted $550 for a new 
> >rack with one year warranty from a local Audi expert in Dallas (not 
> >the dealer). Not an expert, but I think the rack can be rebuilt, 
> >just not the same as the earlier 5000 models (supposedly "stronger" 
> >and will hold up longer prior to leakage). And by the way, Audi in 
> >Dallas wanted $450 for labor ONLY.
> >
> If ya can turn a wrench and argue with a long object without getting angry,
> itsa bout a 3.5 hour job max to swap out. I've tried the rebuild kit route
> twice - seals blew in 1 week 1st time, 6 weeks second time.
There's an outfit here in Columbus that does a good job rebuilding
Audi racks - they put bushings into the aluminum housings so you
won't experience as much wear in the future.  Seems to me I paid them
around $500 *installed* for the rebuilt rack.  

	Steer & Gear
	1000 Barnett Rd
	Columbus, Ohio

Charlie Smith   charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418  
Columbus, Ohio USA

 4 wheeled fleet:			 2 wheeled fleet:
_________________________               _________________________
86 5kCSTQ      				92 Ducati 851SP     851cc
69 Porsche 911S   3,200cc		95 BMW R100-RT    1,000cc
81 VW Diesel Pickup  			81 BMW R80G/S Turbo 800cc
                     			62 BMW R27          250cc