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Another Rhode Island quattro 4 sale

Hi Gang,

	I've already notified the 7 people that replied to me concerning the
4ksQ a fellow I ran into last Saturday wanted to sell for $500.00. He is
"waffling" now that he knows there are people who want the car; and that there
is a "Q list" that can help him maintain it. Just now another fellow called me,
one Paul Work, whose had a car in the local Sunday paper a few month ago that I
posted about. I don't know this guy; I did call him then at the request of a
"lister" to get particulars about the car in the paper. I mentioned that I had
posted the car to the list. The short of it is the guy has another '87 5kCSQ he
has asked me to post. I don't know if he is a dealer or whatever, and I don't
want to get in trouble with you folks or Dan S. for posting for a dealer. I
make NO money on these posts, just tryin' to get good cars into the hands of
people who can appreciate them. Like the kid with the 4ksQ the other day, most
Rhode Islanders don't know a quattro from a chevy nova. Anyway...here goes.

Audi '87 5kCSQ Zermatt silver w/ black leather. 133K miles. Everything works,
      all books and records, straight body, no rust $4250.00 401-437-2277.

He kept saying that it is turbo'd and intercooled and I kept telling him that
ALL 5kCSQ's are turbo'd and intercooled. All disclaimers apply; I've never seen
this car or met this person...I guess I'm just the only Shef Corey in the phone
book:-) I think Dave Toppin looked at his other car, for what that's worth.

						Happy motoring,


 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-874-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
 T                                                                            A
 T             QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!                 T
 O                                                                            T