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RE: Smiling as I go to bed!

Well it would be worth a try to get some lessons from Hans if you can
ever get a hold of him.


>From: 	Trisha Bethen[SMTP:trishab@mv.mv.com]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, December 18, 1996 7:15 PM
>To: 	Graydon D. Stuckey
>Cc: 	Mark Nelson; 'Quattro List'
>Subject: 	RE: Smiling as I go to bed!
>You might be.....what the hell, check it out......
>BTW, I was checking out various ways to say Merry Christmas......came
>across the old Celtic UK way .....Cornish......
>Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth
>BTW, my full name is.....Trisha Blethen
>Neat, huh?