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Re: Snow & Ice Event 97 Bow, NH

Gee, and it starts in MY Town!!!!!  The Grist Mill Restaurant across from
the Hampton Inn is THE place to go to eat......check out the pub
downstairs and you will see why "BOW JCT" is popular with the NASCAR folk.

I will definately be around for the start of the rally......I don't think
I'm on duty at school that weekend. 

> I just received this post from the New England Region Audi Quattro Club,
> USA. I belong to this club and they have a web site at;
> http://www.netaxis.com/~zcritter/index.html
> Here is the announcement:
> "This event is being hosted by the NER (New England Region of the Sports
> Car Club of America), the TCNE (a TSD rally club based in
> Massachusetts), the NEQ (New England Region Audi Quattro Club, USA) so
> far and the BMW/CCA for the sunday event.
> On Friday 1/31/97 (evening time to be determined) there will be a Novice
> Rally School.
> On Saturday 2/1/97 there will be an aprox. 150 TDI Road Rally.
> On Sunday 2/2/97 there will be a time trial on Newfound Lake, NH.
> The meeting place is the Hampton Inn in Bow, NH. They can be reached on
> the web for rooms at;
> http://www.hampton-inn.com/hamptondocs/mkts/nh-conc/CCDNH/CCDNH-3.html#rat
> The Event-Master is David Lewis. He has a web page that has information
> about this event at
>  http://www.ultranet.com/~david-l
> Further information will be posted when it becomes available."
> If you are members of this club I'll see you there. They have also
> posted the event dates for their Watkins Glenn and Lime Rock events.
> Please contact the NEQ if you have any questions about the above.
> Wendy
> '86 4KQ
> '97 A4Q - both on 93 octane, thank you.