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Re: '85 Ur-Q questions...
>>A European Car article of a few years back indicated that this car would
>>definitely be collectible. They recommended doing only things that could be
>>reversed to bring the car back to stock.
>I've been told the basic rules for determining collectibility are as follows:
>1) A milestone model; i.e., one with a history (the Ur-Q certainly has this)
>2) Annual production of less than 1000 cars (the Ur-Q is close enough to this)
>3) More than 15 years old because it usually takes that long for them to
stop depreciating (ditto)
>4) A car from either the first or last year of production (my '85 qualifies
here in the US)
>5) A car that's either completely stock or modified for racing, complete
with a history (my '85 was maintained almost exclusively by Audi dealers
using OEM parts -- including even the replacement exhaust system! -- so I'd
be surprised if there's anything non-stock about it)
>In view of the above, it looks like the Ur-Q should, to some extent, become
"collectible" over the next decade or so. Still, resisting the urge to
tinker with it isn't going to be easy ... perhaps the key is limiting the
modifications to non-invasive, easily reversed stuff (wheels, struts, chips,
different seats, etc.) so the car can be returned to stock at a later date?
_ _
/ | _| o | \ _| o Jeffrey Goggin
/__| | | / | | __ | | | | / | | audidudi@delphi.com
/ | |_| \_| | |_/ |_| \_| | http://people.delphi.com/audidudi