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Re: If it WASN'T a Quattro - would you buy one?
Your message reminded me that I *HAVE* made the comparison lately. I had
the Audi in the shop for what I THOUGHT was going to be an extended visit,
but the Stan Olsen service people were SO incompetant, they didn't even
SAY they had done all the work I had requested. Anyway, I rented a Nissan
Maxima for the day. It was a nice car, but there was one thing that really
made me miss my 6 year old Audi...
The conditions were dry. As I stepped on the accelerator a slight bit, it
downshifted and I nearly lept over a quarter-lane to the right. Something
I was used to on my Subary FWD, but had forgotten about since driving the
Audi. Sure you learn to compensate for it, but I'm much happier not
having to.
"If all you have is a hammer, every problem tends to look like a nail."
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo@tummy.com>
URL: <http://www.tummy.com/xvscan> HP-UX/Linux/FreeBSD/BSDOS scanning software.