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5KCSTQ - Bad Cold Start==>Bad Hot Idle


Here are my/her symptoms:

My '86 5KCSTQ generally takes three cranks (1-2 second in duration)
to start when cold.  Sputters for a bit (5 seconds or so) and then
idles smoothly @800-900RPM.

After a "long" highway run (1 hour @80-85MPH) she will idle pretty
well but between 500 and 600 RPM when stopping, such as at a toll-booth.

If I shut her down after she's hot (please, please leave it alone) and
restart before she cools off (oh go ahead) the engine will seriously
stumble (below 200RPM) and if I don't give it gas will die.

Help!  I'm catching it from my wife as she does not appreciate the
finer points of a Quattro.

Mark Pollan
'86 5KCSTQ 207K on the clock and sputtering at idle.