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Re: 100 window fogging

Do you have any kind of craddy stuff building up on the inside of the 
windshield? Any slow coolant lost? Do you smell anything like a sweet 
syrup kind of smell when the heat is on? If you answer 'yes' to all of 
three questions then the heater core in your 100 maybe leaking.

Anthony Chan, First Hill, Seattle, WA, USA.
92' 100 V6 Tornado Red.

On Thu, 2 Jan 1997 JRued@aol.com wrote:

> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 18:28:58 -0500
> From: JRued@aol.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: 100 window fogging
> my father owns a '89 100 which is fogging up the windows.  (Kind of like when
> one goes parking for an extended period of time in cooler weather- though I
> don't think this is the cause).  Heavy condensation is forming during drives
> especially now that it is colder in the northern mid-east (Michigan).  I have
> a feeling that the recirculate value (i don't know the official term) is
> stuck and not allowing fresh air into the cabin.  He is too cheap to take it
> into the dealer so he has been living with it for a while.  My question... is
> any one familiar with this problem and how to fix it?  TIA  please e-mail me
> at jrued@aol.com since I just subscribed and don't know when I will start
> receiving digest.  thanks again... Joe