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Re: Agree WIth Bob here...

At 06:55 PM 1/2/97 -0500, SaamG@aol.com wrote:
>If it weren't for Quattro, I probably would be in an M3 or something.  I
>agree with bob.  Quattro is reason #1, followed by looks on certain models.
>Otherwise, audi's are slow moving dogs with mushy brakes and too much body
>BURN ME!!!! DO IT!!!!!  FLAME!!!!
>Saam Gabbay
>1990 Coupe Quattro (and 4 before this one!)
>heh heh heh heh

I'd have to agree as well.  After all these posts, I look at my own cars: my
A4Q and my 4000s (non-Q).  The Quattro was the major selling point for me.
Otherwise, I would have pursued that 95 540i (282 hp, 6 speed manual tranny)
for only about $8k more.

Now don't get me wrong...I love the styling, comfort, safety, etc of my A4Q.
But face it...without the Quattro, most of us would be driving BMW's or Volvos.

Achille Riviello
83 4000s 4E, 200k+ miles,
96 A4Q, 3202 miles
HK P7M13
"In a world of compromise, some don't."--HK