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Re: Euros, Euros, Euros (was XL mounting)
At 01:12 AM 01/03/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Euro lights, Euro Lights, Euro Lights. I've got the XL's and thought
>that they were the Cat's meow UNTIL I got the Euro lamps. There is NO
>comparision! Now with the euro's on low beam (100w/side) and I turn on
>the formerly fantastic XL's (also with 100w/side), I can't see them.....
>They add NOTHING.........
Well, maybe in comparison to the Euro's, but in comparison to the OEMs, they
are a nice addition. And yeesh, I would expect that when you spend that much
money for (Euro) lights, they better be damn good. Better than ANY
aftermarket lamp....
Besides, didn't you tell us that the Euro conversion for a late-model (92+)
Audi would cost about $4k? Call me crazy for not spending one fourth the
purchase price (used) on headlights.... :-)
IMHO, even at $700 for the Euros, that is a lot of $$$. I'd rather put in
the XLs, and save the money for when the bomb, steering rack or something
else dies. For some of us, that logic prevails when we try to justify
So, yeah, as you said, they are the Cat's Meow, at least for me for now....
BTW, did you have to do anything special to the wiring so that you could put
in the 100w H3s? No problem with melting any wiring or the lens material
(the plastic pieces)? Did the US ones come with the 55w only because of DOT
>In a few days I'm going to post my Euro light/fog lamp/XL "Shoot Out" and
>to say that the Euro's won would be an understatement.
Sounds interesting.
>BTW My XL's are for sale........
That's a good opportunity for someone here. I still think that if you want
to see, and don't (yet) want to spend LARGE $$ on Euro's, the XLs are a good
Jim Griffin
Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
'92 100S