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Re: 5000/200 as Exciting As A Ferrari?
At 10:32 AM 1/4/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Twain.Mein@wellsfargo.com writes on Fri, 03 Jan 97 10:12:00 PST:
>>Subject: Why AUDI's KICK ASS
>>As for LOOKS
>>any Audi 5000/200 with FUCHS wheels is as exciting as a Ferrari!
>Sorry, my man. Even as a two-time Audi owner I must disagree with your
>unadulterated excitement. Have you ever driven a Ferrari (any one), let
>alone seen the wheels up close?
>Didn't think so.
>Former QCUSA #356
>'96 Harlequin Macaw
>'90 80Q
Going to have to semi-agree with Todd here. This summer I sold highline
pre-owned cars (as well as new Chryslers and Lamborghinis) for a friend of
my dad's. Drove a few Ferrari's ('85 TR, '90 348TS, '83 308GTB) and can say
that a well maintained Ferrari is just a tad more exciting, albiet more
tiring to drive, once you get the hang of it. The transmission in the 348
was my favorite of the three. The 308 was so trashed that it ran on only 4
of the 8 cyl. the 5-8 bank would overheat in about a minute, not a good
specimen. The TR was fast but not that tossable. But in Columbus, I would
take an S2 anyday over one of these Ferraris. If we think maint. on an Audi
is pricy, try the 25k service on a 308GTSi roughly $3500 big ones. Ummmmm,
do I want to do the service or buy a nice 4kq? Toughy. :-)
I know this post referred to LOOKS so . . . I get a little more excited
looking at a Fly yellow F355 Spyder with Black leather and those seductive
side scoupes.
just my $.02
Bryan Bowen
Junior, Elon College (North Carolina)
International Business and Spanish Double Major
Currently without a car
(Looking for a Coupe Quattro or enough money to get an A4 1.8TQ)