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Re: Valve seal replacement

Steinbrueck, GL wrote:
> Do any of you have words of wisdom on replacing valve seals.  I have a set
> of Viton ones.  I plan to pull each valve spring in turn, letting the
> hold the valve from falling out while I replace the seal.  I don't want to
> pull the head.  Is there anything I should watch out for?  Do the new seals
> and bands just push on?  TIA

>Hmmm, sounds scary. I always use compressed air to hold the valve up
>(closed), when replacing the seals. My guess it would be extreamely
>difficult to compress the springs and put the conical keepers back on if
>the valve is dropped down and rests on the piston's top.
>Get an adapter hose (only a coupla bux @ Pep Toys), screw it in the
>spark plug hole and keep the cylinder filled with air at about 90-100psi
>(you do need a compressor with a tank for this). BTDT by myself and a
>lot of other people whom I know.

Stevie sez...

My tuppence... Us cheap B*stards have used a piece of soft cotton rope
stuffed into the plug hole, use maybe a foot or 18 in", leave some hanging
out the hole, turn crankshaft until everything locks up...that valve has
nowhere to go, now does it? Replace the seals on that cylinder, back off the
crank, remove rope, NEXT!

Don't worry, it won't hurt...

Steve Bigelow
Ottawa ON
84 5ks
82 coupe soon headed to the boneyard
past owner/mechanic of three FIAT X1/9s on which this procedure worked