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Alarm Inastallation

Dan asked me before X-mas:

> Great!  Any tips on installing?  how difficult, etc?

Not at all (I am biased, though, after several hundred of them
installed. Plan the whole of Saturday the first time). By all means try
to avoid what we call a "spaghetty wiring", i.e. don't cut corners and
always use appropriately coloured wires. Don't rush the job.

> Did you see my question about what gets wired?

Yes, I did, but have deleted it since (coz I did not anticipate my
cutting into the topic at the time). If you feel it is still necessary,
repost it to me direct.

> How hard is it to program the remotes as you have done,
> that is exactly what I want to do.

Not at all, the instructions are usually straitforward and explicite.

> Check out this web site, let me know what you think I should
> get:
> http://www.audio-warehouse.com

I will do it today.
> I emailed about pricing and they said:
> > We have the Prestige 500+ on special also, with all trhe features you need,
> > they are $99.95 each or $94.00 if you purchase 2 units at the same time.. ALL
> Sound like a deal?

Yes, an excellent one!

> What about installing the actuator for the door locks?  Difficult?
> Any particular types or brands?

No, not at all. I used a number of them. Some have 2 wires, some have 6.
I paid around $12/ea wholesale. You need only one, w/2 wires per car.
You can use the one w/6 wires too (you need only a blue and a green
wires).  Install it in either of front doors. You should be able to get
it from the same guys (Audiovox makes them) at about $24 retail.   
> Thanks!
> | Dan |

Eric also had a question:

> >I have Prestige APS200 ($100/ea) in my both cars. The remotes are fully
> >programable
> >with 3 frequencies on 2 bottons. I also have an Audiovox garage door
> >interface ($50),
> >that can be programmed to work on the same frequency, as the alarm's remote.
> Where can I get one of these?
> Thanks!
> Eric Fletcher

I have just spotted this interface in a J.C.Whitney catalogue: p/n
81XX0509B for $49.99 (Audiovox p/n AS9154).

Good luck. Don't hesitate to ask if either of you run into any alarm
problem. I'll walk you through the install.

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ