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NEHA: Ice Trials - MOHUD SCCA Feb. 1997

That which follows is an update concerning the MOHUD SCCA Ice Time Trial
events scheduled for February 1997. There is a conflict with the NEQ
Winter Weekend events scheduled for Feb. 1 and 2.

These events, below, are SOLO 2 Ice Trials. Please read this update and
the information provided on the web page link below for the rquirements
for these events.

That which follows is the Updated announcement:

The following is an update of the text, clarifying a few points (Feb 2
only a possibility)

When you get a chance, please update !

On Sat, 04 Jan 1997 15:40:45 -0500 Richard Welty <rwelty@wizvax.net>


Updated flyer:

Sat Feb 1 1997 -& - Sat+Sun Feb 15-16 1997
(Posibility of Sunday, Feb 2 at last minute)
Mohawk Hudson SCCA's SOLO 2 on ONOTA LAKE, PITTSFIELD MAssachusetts
Runs start at 11:00 AM sharp!  -- Be there early for drive arounds (9AM)

To be held on Onota Lake at the end of Lakeway Drive in Pittsfield
Massachusetts.  Registration & Headquarters at the Controy Pavilion on
Drive (send SASE to Clark for a map)

That's right, it's another busy two days, two events Ice Trials. 
for ant type of 4 wheeled vehicle with any type of tyres.  Front engine
Rear wheel drive, Front engine Front wheel drive, Rear engine Rear wheel
drive, or Four wheel drive.  Whatever moves you.  If you're in doubt,
call me.  Jeeps and dune buggies must have roll bars or hard tops.  All
classes are duplicated for studded snow tyres (standard commercial
studding).  All vehicles MUST have and drivers MUST use SEATBELTS! 
Helmets are also required (per GCR's) and must have the proper SNELL
certification.  A small number of loaner helmets will be available.

While this event is designed for your everyday streetcar, a special
for modified vehicles also exists.  This class is for any vehicle
equipment such as ice racing vehicles, dune buggies, vehicles with
locked differentials, and any vehicle with non-standard studs in the
tyres (such as longer than normal, more than normal or otherwise
different than normal).  Cars may be placed in this class at the
decision of the event chairman or safety inspector.  The GREEN MACHINE
will have its own class.  An additional fee ($5-10) per driver per day
will be collected for use of the  GREEN MACHINE to cover expenses (we
use over 25 gallons of gasoline per day for this event).  Go-carts,
motorcycles and ATV's are NOT allowed to enter.  Again, all vehicles
Must have and drivers must use SEATBELTS and HELMETS!  Passengers are
not allowed during timed runs.

The ICE TRIALS consists of a defined course on the surface of the frozen
lake.  The length of the course will be between 1 and 1.5 miles
(depending on snow conditions) and cars will be a minimum of 1 minute
apart with a maximum of two vehicles on the course at any given time to
eliminate any risk of collision.  The object of the event is to complete
the course in the least amount of time.  Runs will be timed to the
nearest hundredth of a second or better.  Penalties will be assessed
(time added) for hitting course markers (pylons).  Approximately one
third of the entries in each vehicle class, as defined above, will be
awarded trophies for their performance.  A minimum of three (3) cars
must enter any class for a trophy to be awarded in that class.  Bring
your friends to drive your car if it is an oddball.  Special classes may
be created if a large number of vehicles of any one type enter.  This is
at the discretion of the event chairmen.

REGISTRATION:  Saturday and Sunday opens at 9:00 AM (along with
familiarization runs) and continues throughout the event.  Missed runs
will not be
made up.  Timed runs will start at 11:00 AM each day.  Cars run in
numerical order.  Entrants may enter more than one vehicle.  The
different vehicles may be in the same or different classes.  It is the
entrant's responsibility to have the cars ready to run in order.  More
than one driver may enter driving the same vehicle.  Numbers for the
same vehicle will be issued at least 4 apart to allow for driver
Event entry fee is $15.00 per day per entrant.

Event status?  PLEASE call Clark's answering machine Friday and Saturday
nights immediately prior to events the following day to check status of
that day's event.  Each day when I leave for the lake (~7AM) I will
update the message.  Please be aware that we may need to postpone the
event, for whatever reason.  If you are traveling any distance to this
event, please call the answering machine for an update.  

eMailers: Please subscribe to the MoHud mailer for up to the minute
updates prior to the event.

Clark W. Nicholls       (413)243-3433   65 Hartwood Road        Lee
         MA     01238 (CWNicholls@aol.com)
Pete Nixon      (413)442-7135   37 Oliver Ave   Pittsfield 
MA      01201 (PLNixon@juno.com)
Dave Kosla      (413)443-6152   81 Dartmouth Ave        Pittsfield
 MA     01201 (dkosla1023@aol.com)
Bruce Taylor    (413)442-4774   54 South John
St      Pittsfield  MA  01201 
John Aulisio    (413)499-8748   58 Elaine
Drive   Pittsfield  MA  01201

Please contact the folks listed above if you have any questions or
interest in participating in the above events.

Let them know that you heard of these events from the NEQ and if you
have the time drop me a note about them.

Keep your patch to the road.

Bob W. B>}
NEQ http://www.netaxis.com/~zcritter/director.html